Rory and I in conversation about the creation of his album artwork.
Hiero and the Happy Accident?
My first painting of Hiero was going quite well but on my final glaze it went a bit too dark. When stripping back the glaze I decided that I was liking the eroded effect. Now I am working back into the painting to find a happy balance.
Double Image
I have started playing with double portraits using glass as a way to layer one image over another. This was inspired by looking into the double glazing on the Picadilly Line. This is my first experiment but I really want to try full body, life sized portraits. I have made a frame for this one, that's quite unusual for me.
Mask Project Continues
I am working on my second mask in my collaboration with Rachel Freire. This time I am using a leather cast of Fiona's face to paint on. We are now talking about using gold leaf on them maybe?
Paintings Evolution
The paintings are starting to take shape now. This is when the paintings are at their most exciting, so much potential, who knows what will happen. When they are finished they become immediately boring. I have started covering the finished paintings in muslin.
Priming then Sanding then Priming and then Sanding again
I have started three new paintings. It took four whole days of priming and sanding to get them ready to paint. I hope it has been worth it.
As a big thank you to Julia for being involved in the portrait I decided to paint her a gift.
Princess Julia
I am trying to finish this portrait of Julia for the BP Portrait Award. I only have just over a month to produce a life sized, full length portrait of her. Here are some shots of the paintings progress.
The Study is Final
I have now started work on my Study is Final series. I am working on canvas, linen and paper simultaneously.
Food Map
This is a commission that I have started for Pollen Street Social. It's the first time that I have tried using oil paint on paper and I feel like this way of working has great potential.
This series of photos capture the three main stages of my painting process. From the ground, to the dead colouring and finally the glazing.